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Friday, January 27, 2012

Mixed Feelings

Let me say right out the chute that I can NOWHERE imagine what it's like, nor do I honestly want to EVER know what one feels and even maybe thinks from time to time when their life is LITERALLY in another's hands to live themselves. Because they need a solid organ transplant, and at times, it means that another human being must die and be willing to give of themselves.

I belong to several groups over on FaceBook. Including a few regarding Organ/Eye/Tissue Donation Recipients. And I for the most part enjoy being a part of each and every one of them.

But a situation for one member came up where they maybe were able to FINALLY get the organ that they have tried to receive multiple times. Sadly once again, the person was turned down. But not because there was a fellow recipient in waiting, but because of the potential donor and their status not making the organ viable.

I know that we all have within us the fight or flight. And we have this ultimate need, if not even a "requirement" to survive and defeat death.

But to HOPE that once your potential donor is "just right" after having the plug pulled so that they can give you their organ that you (while I understand, desperately) need, then to be "bummed" and outright say that the heart "waited too long" to expire is pretty damn SICK.

It's disheartening to me *personally* to know that while (like I keep repeating) that YOU as one needing a solid organ to give you that second chance at living to your fullest potential, that one takes an almost seemingly "joy" in another's expiration of life.

I'm ALL for wanting to live (or to see, as was my case) again the way you had used to, or at least as close to your normal as you can get. But to pretty much WISH someone dead? Or at least make light of another's suffering? No wonder there are SO many people in the world who view us RECIPIENTS as vultures.

It's because of people like the person I'd described up above.

Those that have died and willed their organs, eyes and tissues have given us all a GIFT. It's not a right or even a "privilege". They were willing to give us new life, new sight and a better quality of life.

While I know all too well the JOY in knowing that your life or your sight is being saved when you get "the call", it SHOULD also be a time to give thanks to your donor. And to think of THEIR FAMILY and their suffering.

And if it doesn't pan out for you with that potential match? Then I say have a little decorum, heart, compassion, and yes, even some COMMON SENSE, as well as decency. As in don't post about how "bummed" you are about the person not dying quick enough for you to grab their parts.

To be that way, to me PERSONALLY, is morbid, insensitive to the one that died and their family, disgusting (to a point) and just plain disrespectful.

Am I wrong in my thoughts and/or my feelings? Maybe. Maybe not. Again, I have never needed a solid organ. But across the board, no matter the type of transplant we have had, or will need, along with it, comes responsibility in the means of SELF CONTROL, empathy and sympathy.

Because our gifts came at a GREAT price. The price of another's life.

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